In the order of the number of strokes in the surnames
阿根廷企業大學法律暨社會科學學院公共關係系畢業,現職為中央廣播電台西班牙語節目編導及總監,長年擔任國內外年會口譯、政府對外影音文宣配音。自2006年起擔任專業中文-西班牙語之口、筆譯員(逐步及同步口譯),專業領域含括文化、佛教、技術、投資、商業等性質。 近年口譯相關經驗如:「巴拉圭投資說明會」同步翻譯、墨西哥Lázaro Cárdenas港口投資說明會同步翻譯、「第六十二屆FCEM世界年會」同步翻譯、國際經濟合作協會辦理「墨西哥投資說明會」逐步翻譯、世界不動產聯合會第六十四屆臺灣臺中世界年會同步口譯等會議。
Luis M. Chong
Graduating from Bachellor of Science & Letters, La Salle College, Panama, Luis was chief interpreter for President Chen Shui-bian during state visits in Central America. He was a lecturer in Department of Spanish, Tamkang University, and adjunct research fellow in Institute of International Relations, National Chengchi University. He is now an editor for Government Information Office and an associate professor in National Defense University. His interpretation experiences in recent years include Democratic Pacific Union General Assembly 2007, Parliament and Democratic Politics International Conference, HIV and AIDS Workshop, etc.
Li-Tin Chu
Licenciatura in English language & teaching, Instituto Superior de Lenguas, Facultad de Filosofía, Universidad Nacional de Asunción, in Asunción, Paraguay, She has worked for international and local organizations include Embassy of Republic of China (Taiwan) in Republic of Paraguay, and Mèdiateque de l´Alliance Française, Asunción, Paraguay. She has abundant interpretation experiences such as The Tenth Taiwan – Philippines Joint Economic Conference, World Firefighting and Disaster Conference, Workshop on Advanced Techniques of Forensic DNA Analysis 2007, 2006 Environment Ministerial Meeting, Taiwan CDO & ABS 2007 “Expanding the Investor Base”, 2006 Major Sports Event Revitalization Forum, INPUT 2006, etc.
畢業於輔仁大學西班牙文學研究所碩士,現任職於外交部西班牙文組口譯及筆譯員近十年之經歷,擔任總統府、行政院、立法院及外交部首長西班牙文口譯員,負責政府部門首長講稿、涉外條約、政策說帖及相關文件西班牙文翻譯。曾任職台北市政府國際事務組及中央廣播 電台西班牙語組召集人,於中廣任職期間,擔任西班牙語節目製作與主持、新聞編譯與播報,以及擔任國慶、跨年、「飢餓三十」等特別節目直播主持人。亦曾任教於醒吾技術學院兼任西班牙文講師及輔仁大學推廣部西班牙文講師。 曾任口譯之重要會議如:巴拉圭投資暨商機說明會2019、宏都拉斯投資暨商機說明會2019、DFC 2018年會、第7屆臺灣-阿根廷經濟聯席會議、第二十屆世界女記者與作家世界年會、第一及第二屆臺灣-巴拉圭經濟合作協定聯合委員會會議、中南美洲邦交國(瓜地馬拉、宏都拉斯、薩爾瓦多、尼加拉瓜、巴拿馬、巴拉圭)來台招商說明會以及多場政府與友邦國家經貿談判會議等會議。
Meng-Yen Lou
MA in Spanish Language and Literature, Fu Jen Catholic Univeristy, Meng-yen is now a professional translator and interpreter. Besides working for Broadcasting Corporation of China, she is as well a lecturer in Xin Yi Community College, School Of Continuing Education Chinese Culture University and Lunghwa University of Science and Technology. She was anchors and reporters for several Spanish radio programs including The Voice of Free China, Radio Taiwan International, and National Education Radio.