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In the order of the number of strokes in the surnames
Clare, Hsiu-Yu Wang

Member of AIIC (International Association of Conference Interpreters), NAATI Accreditation in Conference Interpreting. MA in Conference Interpretation, National Taiwan Normal University, Clare receives Professional Diploma in Conference Interpretation, with distinction, awarded jointly by GITIS, Fu Jen Catholic University and GITI, National Taiwan Normal University. 

She has worked as a conference interpreter since 2005, serving leading corporations across various industries such as Qualcomm, Siemens, OPPO, Visa, Chanel, Shiseido, and Blizzard. Recent representative interpretation works including CWEF (since 2011 to date).

Yugo, Chen-Yu Wang

MA in Conference Interpretation, National Taiwan Normal University, Yugo is currently consecutive interpretation lecturer at Ministry of Foreign Affairs Training Center. As a professional English-Chinese interpreter, his recent experiences include New Investment Trends on Ecological Issues Roadshow 2007, ING 2007 Investment Outlook, Basel IRB and CRM presentation, Seminar and Forum on EU WEEE/ROHS Directives, NRG4SD 1st SUMMIT LAKE TOBA, etc.

Elma, Ming-Li Ju

Elma receives Ph.D. in American Studies from Tamkang University and MA in Conference Interpretation with Translation from Fu Jen Catholic University. Besides obtaining scholarship twice in 1999 and 2002 from Yale-China Association, she went to Harvard University as visiting fellow with James William Fulbright Grantee in 2006. She is currently associate professor in National Taiwan Normal University and Fu Jen Catholic University.


She was lecturer and trainer for Ministry of Foreign Affairs Training Center, Chinese Culture University, National Security Bureau, and Language Training Center in National Taiwan University. She was also legal translator for Qi Lin International Law Firm.

Elma has prolific interpretation experiences such as Morgan Fleming Investment Seminar, Local Flavor for the Global Audience: The Role of Arts Awards, Biennales, and Festivals, Taiwan International Medical Development Conference and Press, 2007 International Nanotechnology Opening Ceremony, 2007 3G Marketing Forum, etc.


中英專業會議口筆譯員。 口譯服務講者及單位橫跨公私部門單位,如:中華民國正副元首、行政院長、經濟部部長、行政院唐鳳政務委員、投資大師 Jim Rogers、桃園市府、新北市府、 台南市府、 行政院洗錢防制辦公室 、衛福部社家署、臉書、中華民國工業總會等。除大型國際會議與研討會之外,亦常於各類內部會議中提供口譯服務,如:政府對外合作洽談會議、企業內部會議、大型零售業者採購會議等;曾參與過的大型規模口譯案件包括:台北世大運賽事內部籌備會議、亞太防制洗錢組織第三輪相互評鑑。

曾於 105-107 年期間擔任新北市政府中英口筆譯專案團隊負責人,並於公視早安新聞擔任英語新聞編譯及過音人員。目前同時於 LTTC 財團法人語言訓練測驗中心、外交部外交及國際事務學院等機構擔任口譯課程講師。

Michelle, Min-Chia Wu

MA in Conference Interpretation with Translation, Fu Jen Catholic University, Michelle is a full-time lecturer in National Taiwan Normal University. She was lecturer in Fu Jen Catholic University and National Taiwan University. In this field for more than 15 years, she has countless conference and live television interpretation experiences. She has interpreted for John Naisbitt, Kenichi Ohmae, Michael Porter, Tom Peters, Betty Williams, Peter Arnett, Archbishop Desmond Mpilo Tutu, President Chen Shui-bian, etc. Other works include Taipei-Geneva GIO Press Conference (video conference): Give Taiwan a Seat at the WHO, International Conference on the 10th Anniversary of the Hong Kong Handover: Retrospect & Challenges, Boeing 767-400 World Tour Press Conference, International Conference on Taiwan’s Economic Development in the 21st Century, International Press Institute World Congress, Taiwan International Medicine Development Conference, American Express JPAA Sales Conference, CNN’s live coverage of the Persian Gulf War, and Taipei International Book Exhibition, to name a few.

Ernest, Chang-Yi Lee

MA in Conference Interpretation with Translation, Fu Jen Catholic University, and BA in Material Science and Engineering, National Tsing-hua University, Ernest has been a conference interpreter since 1995. He is chief interpreter for many high-level government officials in many inter-governmental meetings. Other works include Asia-Pacific Cultural Cooperation Conference, Taipei International Book Exhibition, Arts Network Asia, Global Summit of Women, Strategy Review Board Meeting on Biotechnology, Digital Era Summit Forum - Creating Corporate Value in the New Economy, Symposium on Steel Production Technology, etc.


輔仁大學翻譯學研究所口筆譯組碩士,中英文口語表達溝通能力優異,具備多場合、多主題之中英口譯經驗,目前為專業中英文雙向會議口譯員。近年來國際會議同步口譯案例包括2013 微軟跨平台裝置相容技術分享會、2014臺美低碳社區─能源智慧使用策略研討會、2014 台灣金融新未來、2014 醫美產品供應商商務會談等。

Nancy Du

MA in Conference Interpretation with Translation, Fu Jen Catholic University, and Nancy is now a professional English-Chinese conference interpreter. She was also a lecturer in Fu Jen Catholic University and interpreter for the Chinese Taipei Delegation at APEC Leader’s Summits and Ministerial Conferences. Since 1995, her prolific interpretation works include Mikhail Gorbachev Press Conference, Bilateral Aviation Negotiations between CAA (Civil Aviation Administration) in Taiwan and Department of Transportation in the United States, Computing in the 21st Century Conference, Taipei International Book Exhibition, etc. Her live television interpretation works include the president inauguration ceremony of South African President Nelson Mandela and press conference on President Clinton’s State Visit to Beijing.

Marsha, Man-Hua Chou

Member of AIIC, Marsha is currently visiting professor in Monterey Institute of International Studies, USA. She was lecturer in National Taiwan Normal University, University of Bath, Fu Jen Catholic University, Soochow University, National Taiwan University and China Productivity Center. She interpreted for Taiwan WTO entry negotiation from 1993 to 2001. Other works include WTO Ministerial Conference, APEC, Taiwan-USA negotiations (customs, investment, intellectual property rights, and exchange rate accords), WHO, Executive Yuan, WCIT, Securities and Futures Institute, World Energy Council, etc. Her interpretation experiences cover WTO, IPR Act, Anti-Dumping Act, Fair Trade Act, arbitration, internet, e-commerce, online crime prevention, telecommunication, semiconductor, IT, labor-management relation, science and technology law, finance, securities, credit cards business, medical science, pharmacy, biotechnology, industrial design, aeronautics, energy, climate change, environmental protection, mass transportation, marketing, advertising, direct sales, art history, urban renewal, agricultural economics and customs cooperation.



長期擔任華府智庫合作口譯員、勞動部特約英文顧問、奇美博物館特約英⽂編譯及美商賀寶芙特約⼝譯,曾任同步逐步口譯會議包括:2019 年奧斯陸⾃由論壇、促進轉型正義委員會、⾦融管理委員會防制洗錢暨打擊資恐 (AML/CFT) 模擬評鑑國際會議、⾦融研國際⾦融監理論壇及監理官⾼峰論壇等等多場會議、天下創新學院論壇:國際⼈才發展⼤師 Dr. Reza Sisakhti 談企業跨國⼈才戰略新局勢、⾼雄市⽴美術館原⺠性與當代藝術國際論壇暨策展⼯作坊、英國⽂化協會2018歐洲論壇國際美術館學程、⾼雄⻑庚紀念醫院連續兩年台灣近視病新知研討會、衛⽣福利部 2017 失智症防治照護研討會、台灣⾃來⽔公司 2018 亞洲漏控會議、金融研訓院離岸⾵電專案融資研討會、美商賀寶芙萬⼈⼤會多天多語⾔同步⼝譯、經常性全球⾼階主管會議。




服務合作對象遍及產官學研,包括總統府、台北市政府、衛福部、外交部、經濟部、政大智慧財產研究所、磐安基金會、台灣蘭協、工研院、商發院、中衛發展中心、Johnson  & Johnson、Google、GXT、交大/清大亞太/文化研究室、輝瑞大藥廠等。


Jennifer, Yen-Ju Shih

MA in Conference Interpretation, National Taiwan Normal University, Jennifer currently works for Ministry of Foreign Affairs and English Learning Center in NTNU. She has many experiences in conference interpretation, master of ceremonies, escort and lecture. Recent works include 2007 Taipei International Book Exhibition, Education Forum 2007, 2006 Cultural Diversity Roundtable, SPA ProAsia & Medical Cosmetology Expo, etc.



國立台灣師範大學翻譯所口譯組、英國蘭開斯特大學國際法研究所畢業。2011年起先後於中國信託商業銀行、中華民國外交部、思愛普軟體系統股份有限公司 (SAP) 、南山人壽擔任口筆譯職務,並與經濟部、財團法人資訊工業策進會、台北市政府、學學文化創意基金會長期合作。


Damien, Jia-Ming Fan

MA in Conference Interpretation, National Taiwan Normal University, Damien receives Professional Diploma in Conference Interpretation, with distinction, awarded jointly by GITIS, Fu Jen Catholic University and GITI, National Taiwan Normal University. He is currently lecturer in National Taiwan Normal University and Fu Jen Catholic University. His interpretation experiences range from finance, economics, diplomacy, law, national defense, marketing and advertising. Recent works include Video Conference between Vice President Annette Lu and Council on Foreign Relations, Morgan Fleming 2007 Investment Seminar, 2007 International Symposium on Marine Affairs and the Law of the Sea, Morgan Fleming 2007 Investment Seminar, Taipei International Brand Licensing Forum, 2006 APEC Symposium on Agriculture Finance Policy and Development, etc.

Perry, Tzu-Chao Hsu

MA in Translation and Interpretation Studies, Fu Jen Catholic University, Perry has interpreted for former President Lee Teng-hui, incumbent President Chen Shui-bian, Vice President Annette Lu, former President Bill Clinton, Michael Porter, Peter Senge, Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, etc. He also has several live interpretation experiences. Other interpretation topics cover finance, information, automobile, technology, advertising, insurance, and medical science. His long-tern clients include Merrill Lynch, Franklin Templeton, Fidelity, AllianceBernstein, Investec, ING, American Institute in Taiwan, CommonWealth Magazine, Mary Kay, Amway, Herbalife, TVBS, Rambus, IBM, Mediatek, TW Opera, etc. He also writes and translates for Public Television Service, Business Today, Money Weekly, and GQ Magazine.


輔仁大學跨文化研究所翻譯口譯組畢業,中英文口語表達溝通能力優異,目前為專業中英文雙向會議口譯員。曾任同步口譯會議包含2015「大數據X聯網生態圈」國際論壇、2013 Digital Taipei 數位台北論壇、2012 路口與眺望—國際都市再生策略推廣行動計畫、2012 台灣創意設計中心世界設計之都研討會、及2011 氣候變遷研討會等。


通過專業認證之會議口譯員,中英文口語表達溝通能力優異,具備多場合、多主題之中英口譯經驗,並於第五屆海峽兩岸口譯大賽中獲得冠軍殊榮。曾任同步口譯會議包括工研院區域建築節能減碳策略與技術研討會、長榮航太向波音公司購買 787 客機簽約國際記者會、亞培藥廠類風溼性關節炎藥品業務代表訓練課程、資策會大數據聯網生態圈國際論壇等。

Albert Chang

MA in Translation and Interpretation Studies and BS in Electronics and Communications Engineering, Albert is now teaching in Fu Jen Catholic University. He was a computer engineer and marketing manager for private enterprises. His interpretation experiences include International Symposium on Renewable Energy Interconnection Standards, Web 2.0 Innovative Service Trends Forum, EBRD Syndication, Trade Finance and risk management Seminar, Taiwan International Small Fuel Cell Application Technical Forum, etc.



400 場以上、共計超過 1,800 小時之國際會議口譯經驗,口譯主題涵蓋科技、資通訊、商管、經貿、公共事務、能源、環保、體育賽事、教育、人權、法律、藝

務,並於2018 年擔任《達文西密碼》作者丹‧布朗首度訪台媒體見面會與新書發表演講會之逐步口譯。




國立台灣師範大學翻譯研究所口譯組畢業,擅常於專業中英文雙向會議口譯以及中英文主持人。就讀師大翻譯研究所期間曾獲得第二屆海峽兩岸口譯大賽冠軍。曾任同步口譯會議包括2015 亞洲廣告會議、裙襬搖搖美國女子高爾夫LPGA經典賽、COACH 101 旗艦店開幕晚會、2014 海尼根年度事業夥伴大會、2013年亞洲證券論壇等。

Tze-Wei Chen

Tze-Wei has Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics, Major in Resource Economics, Cornell University. He also had MA in Conference Interpretation, Monterey Institute of International Studies, CA and MA in Economics with Specialization in Natural Resources, Michigan State University. He has BA in Economics, National Taiwan University.


蒙特雷國際學院中英會議口譯碩士,擁有豐富實務經驗與出版作品,TELEVIC 世界同步口譯大賽第一名,目前為專業中英文雙向會議口譯員。曾任同步口譯會議包括無人智慧車發表會暨智慧創新國際論壇、金典設計獎論壇、物聯網產業領袖高峰會、2015智慧城市國際論壇等。


英國巴斯大學(University of Bath) 口筆譯研究所碩士及國立台灣師範大學 翻譯研究所 口譯組碩士,現為自由口筆譯員、中英主持人/司儀,並擔任國立台灣師範大學翻譯研究所兼任助理教授及外交部「外交暨國際事務學院」特聘口譯課程講師。




Joseph Tseng

MA in Conference Interpretation with Translation, Fu Jen Catholic University, Joseph has taught in National Taiwan University, National Taiwan Normal University, China Productivity Center and Fu Jen Catholic University. He has interpreted for China Television Station’s Live Broadcast of Presidential Debates between Bill Clinton and Bob Dole during Election 1996 of the U.S., China Economic News 40th Anniversary Forum, Boeing Company, International Symposium on IPR, Bureau of Foreign Trade, Cable TV Workshop of General Instrument, Fidelity’s Seminar on Investment Strategies, The Fifth National Congress of Managerial Officers, International Symposium on Urban Planning and Design, Symposium on Investment Opportunities in Taiwan Organized by FIA, Morgan Fleming Investment Seminar, etc.


台灣師大翻譯研究所口譯組碩士,專業中英文會議口譯以及中英文主持人,合作客戶遍佈政府以及業界。曾擔任馬英九總統、蕭萬長副總統、行政院吳敦義院長等元首級人物之翻譯;亦曾擔任歐洲復興開發銀行湯瑪斯‧米羅總裁、美國在台協會台北辦事處司徒文處長、多位諾貝爾經濟學獎得主、Coach 總裁等參與國際會議、記者會之口譯工作。就讀師大翻譯研究所期間曾獲得第一屆海峽兩岸口譯大賽冠軍。中英文主持資歷完整,專長國際會議、中外記者會、簽約儀式、晚宴等各類型活動主持,重點經歷包括首屆唐獎頒獎典禮(中視轉播)、2009-2014 APEC 系列活動、2013 國際保險監理官協會年會、經濟部全球招商論壇、2011 台北世界設計大會記者會、經濟日報諾貝爾大師論壇、鶯歌陶博物館陶瓷藝術節等。



曾任中央廣播電台英語組 節目主持人/記者,製作主持英語廣播節目、編寫播報英語新聞。主持節目內容涵蓋台灣歷史文化、財經相關議題、青少年議題、時事、華語教學。也曾擔任美國《紐約時報》專案特約記者,進行訪談口譯及相關資料翻譯。



輔仁大學翻譯學研究所中英口筆譯組碩士,目前為專業中英文雙向會議口譯員,所服務之口譯類別眾多,舉凡科技、財經、醫學、法律、時尚等。曾任同步口譯會議包括2015 年人權國際交流研討會、Google DigiCamp研討會:Technology 101、2012年全球招商論壇、2011 MDRT 百萬圓桌會台灣年會等。

Dorothy, Wei-Chann Yang

MA in Conference Interpretation, Monterey Institute of International Studies, Dorothy is a professional conference interpreter with 13-year experience and adjunct interpretation course lecturer. Clients include international organization, government institutions and foreign companies. Her interpretation experiences range from finances, business, intellectual property rights, marketing, training, advertising, trade, technology, environmental protection and journalism.

Paul, Jia-Hau Yang

MA in Conference Interpretation, National Taiwan Normal University, Paul receives Professional Diploma in Conference Interpretation, awarded jointly by GITIS, Fu Jen Catholic University and GITI, National Taiwan Normal University. As a professional English-Chinese conference interpreter, his recent works include Alliance Bernstein Investment Seminar, AIG Global Capital Market Outlook, International Anti-corruption Conference in Taiwan, International Conference on Human Trafficking, Taipei Healthy City Forum: City Leaders Round Table, 2006 Cultural Diversity Round Table, Digital New Wave: Mobile TV and Broadcast Transmission International Conference, etc.







美國蒙特瑞國際學院翻譯研究所筆譯暨口譯碩士、國立台灣大學外文系學士。現為輔仁大學跨文化研究所/專業技術級助理教授、國立台灣師範大學翻譯研究所推廣班口譯講師、國際醫療翻譯協會醫學口譯授課講師及國際產業翻譯協會口譯講師。口譯經驗超過 20 年,近 1000 場口譯經驗。


擔任聯合報「譯口同聲」專欄作家,著有「來賓請入座:25堂英文口譯必修課」(捷徑文化出版社)及「譯口同聲」(我識出版社),接受過兩次商業周刊專訪,譯作「企業傳家寶」 (智庫出版社) 榮獲經濟部「金書獎」。


國立師範大學翻譯研究所口譯組。通過國立台灣師範大學翻譯研究所-天主教輔仁大學翻譯學研究所首次聯合口譯認證考試,含中英雙向、同步口譯、逐步口譯等八項。近年來國際會議同步口譯案例包括2007第四屆東亞NGO論壇-從緊急援助到長期發展的關鍵反思、2007 亞太員工協助國際論壇、2007亞洲奈米論壇-種子教師研討會、UPS商業調查研究報告、台灣與東亞之經濟發展與民主轉型等會議。


輔仁大學翻譯學研究所口譯組畢業,擁有逾十年以上專職會議口譯與筆譯經驗,所服務之口譯類別眾多,舉凡醫學、科技、金融、政府、法律等。近年來國際會議同步口譯案例包括2013 Yahoo!北亞區行銷高峰會、打造隱形競爭力2013風險管理趨勢論壇、安麗30週年年會、食品中重金屬危害因子國際研討會、2012台灣國際物聯網應用論壇等。


專業雙語主持人/配音員,中英雙母語程度,聲音清亮極具質感,主持風格多元,近千場元首級國際會議/典禮/晚宴/記者會 (金融/科技/商業/醫學/外交/文化/時尚)。





天主教輔仁⼤大學跨文化研究所翻譯學碩士班中英口譯組、Durham University認知神經科學碩士、國⽴立中興⼤大學植物病理理學系學士。


會議口譯經驗包含2020 ICF TOP 7 Global Cities Announcement/Conference、保德信國際金金融集團會議 2017 年起迄今、循環經濟:從國際法規與標準看循環經濟未來來趨勢研討會、衛福部陳部⻑⾧長時中晚宴全球健康論壇友邦、2017 WHA 台美雙邊會議、台灣-國際失智症協會雙邊論壇、台瑞健保論壇、2016 APEC 年年會等國際會議。


七年以上口譯以及會譯/活動相關經驗、十年以上筆譯經驗。口譯(同、逐步)領域涵蓋:環境議題(循環經濟、氣候變遷、再生能源、智慧城市及建築等)、農業(有機及智慧農業)、貿易談判及查驗(防檢疫議題、技術性貿易障礙、有機農業認驗證等)、貿易法規、招商、官方拜會、市政(含交通建設及災害防治等)、大型綜合運動賽事籌備(包含場館、交通、抵離境、ICT設施等)、反恐、政府採購、科技、食品安全、教育、社會工作、人權及社會議題、文化藝術等主題, 及研討會、工作會議、工作坊、典禮、記者會或媒體訪問等多種場合。


國立臺灣師範大學翻譯研究所口譯組碩士、英國巴斯大學口筆譯研究所碩士MA in Interpreting & Translating, University of Bath, UK、國立臺灣大學外國語文學系學士,通過輔仁大學跨文化研究所、臺灣師範大學翻譯研究所中英口譯聯合專業考試證書(同步、逐步中英雙向口譯共四科,全數通過)。



擅長口譯領域包含再生能源/離岸風電、IT 科技、智慧製造、商管行銷及教育藝文。口譯對象包括行政院政務委員唐鳳、經濟部部長沈榮津、文化部部長鄭麗君、桃園市市長鄭文燦、交通部長林佳龍、觀光局長周永暉及立委廖國棟、李麗芬等多位政府首長政要。與政府機關合作之口筆譯經歷至今超過 150 場,包含經濟部 (工業局 & 能源局)、文化部 (影視及流行音樂產業局、交流司等)、體育署、交通部觀光局、桃園市政府、台北市政府等。

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